Member To Member Deals

Contact Information
phone: (647) 556-1445
Contact Information
phone: 1-647-296-5259
Category: Moving Services
Contact Information
phone: (416) 889-5167
Contact Information
phone: (905) 849-0025
Valid: April 18, 2022April 16, 2025
Contact Information
phone: (905) 864-1858
Contact Information
phone: (905) 878-5689
Category: Sports and Recreation
Contact Information
phone: (905) 878-5300
Contact Information
phone: (905) 636-5858
One free 20-min Osteopathic Treatment. Each treatment will be tailored to the individual, addressing a wide range of symptoms and ensuring an exceptional patient. To access, email to or call 416-826-3146.
Category: Health Care
Contact Information
phone: (416) 826-3146
Valid: May 29, 2023June 6, 2025
Contact Information
phone: (289) 878-3559
Contact Information
phone: (437) 998-6650
Contact Information
phone: (905) 876-9057
Contact Information
phone: (905) 676-1248
Contact Information
phone: (905) 220-9768
Category: Home Repairs, Maintenance & Renovations
Contact Information
phone: (905) 330-8818
Category: Cleaning / Janitorial Services & Supplies
Contact Information
phone: (416) 882-8995
Contact Information
phone: (905) 844-6491
Contact Information
phone: (289) 272-7118
Contact Information
phone: (905) 636-9299
Contact Information
phone: 1-888-898-2728

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Milton Chamber of Commerce for more information.
251 Main St. E, Suite 104, Milton, ON L9T 1P1 – 905-878-0581 –